1) To address two pressing issues in the Department of Chimaltenango: healthcare and nutrition in 4 municipalities (Tecpan Guatemala, Santa Apolonia, San Josè Poaquil and Patzun) and the need of constructing a new school building at caserio Paley to replace the current which is located in an area declared at a high risk of landslide and thus uninhabitable, and opening a new road that will restore access to 5 communities remained isolated.
- training of the nursing and medical staff of the Aq’on Jay center (fudi);
- training of 60 midwives and 60 leaders in health and nutrition and provision of materials for examination of the level of child malnutrition;
- monthly health and nutrition assistance for mothers who are pregnant, lactating, and children in a state of chronic and acute malnutrition;
- nutrition education (theory and practice) for pregnant mothers and children under 5 years in 30 communities of the 4 municipalities concerned;
- distribution of Vitacereal, a food supplement;
- identification and treatment of children of school and preschool age in a state of mild and moderate acute malnutrition;
- construction of a road of 2.8 kilometres which gives access to 5 communities remained isolated;
- construction of a school building to accommodate pupils of Paley primary school;
- awareness meetings for 69 families at risk of landslide in the community of Paley.
- built the school in the Paley community, with 9 rooms, directive office, kitchen, food storage, toilettes for the elementary and the secondary school and a sportive center;
- 60 midwives and 60 leaders trained in health and nutrition and provision of materials for examination of the level of child malnutrition;
- 57 children of school and preschool age in a state of mild and moderate acute malnutrition treated;
- 2,100 women trained in nutritional topic;
- 1,200 children below 3 years old and 180 pregnant mothers received medical-nutritional visits and the necessary medicines.