The project aims at providing a quality training course to young people aged between 12 and 18 living in the rural areas of Buenos Aires and Santa Fé. The main objective is to improve the employment and self employment situation by offering the chance for improving specific skills to young people of the rural area, so reducing the migration towards cities.
– Creation of a training centre for teachers in the province of Buenos Aires
– Training course for 170 teachers in teaching methodologies with theory and practical sessions
– Training course for 720 young people in goods and services production, with focus on agricultural production
– Training course for 100 young people in economics
– Training course for 100 young people on natural sciences, with emphasis on health and the environment.
– Set up of the training centre for teachers in the province of Buenos Aires
– 161 teachers trained in innovative teaching methodologies
– 739 young people trained in goods and services production, with focus on agricultural production
– 135 young people trained in economics