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 - 2006


Overview: 1) The overall objective of the project is to enhance the health level of Congo by improving the theoretical and practical preparation of the nursing staff and by raising awareness on basic healthcare issues in the population. The specific goal of the project is to establish a well-equipped structure for vocational training...

Establishment of a Vocational Training Centre for Nursing Staff and Organisation of Healthcare Education Courses for the Population


1) The overall objective of the project is to enhance the health level of Congo by improving the theoretical and practical preparation of the nursing staff and by raising awareness on basic healthcare issues in the population.

The specific goal of the project is to establish a well-equipped structure for vocational training activities for both student and professional nurses. The structure will also offer accommodation facilities to students and teachers coming from far away. Furthermore, the project aims at informing mothers living in the areas of Kindele, Kimbondo and Ngafani about basic healthcare principles, through activities held by the students of the centre themselves.

– Construction of a building for the vocational training activities and for residence
– Setting up of a library and a documentation centre
– Starting up of complementary training courses for students and professional nurses
– Organisation of training courses for teachers
– Implementation of healthcare education courses for at least 2,000 mothers of the zone.

– A 1600 m2 building realised
– A library and a documentation centre realised
– Training courses for students and professional nurses implemented
– Training courses for teachers implemented
– Healthcare education courses for 2,000 mothers of the zone realised.

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