ICU – Project Development Officer – Italy




Project duration:

12 months

ICU – Institute for University Cooperation is recruiting a Project Development Officer to join its operations in Italy.

Duration 12 months

  • Department: Program Area
  • Location: Rome (one day a week of smart-working)
  • Supervisor: Area Manager/Desk
  • Compensation: Based on experience
  • Contract type: Co.Co.Co. and in case of renewal, the possibility of providing for a permanent contract.

Description of the Offer The Project Development Officer (PDO) supports the program area referents in starting new partnerships, developing project ideas, obtaining financial resources to implement them by meeting new funders and consolidating relationships with current donors (about 80% of the time). Secondly (about 20% of the time), he/she supervises the progress of ongoing projects in support of expatriate staff. Excellent command of Italian and English and at least one between French and Spanish is an essential requirement. Fundamental is the interest in taking on a role with a multi-year horizon in an organization, such as the ICU, which is extremely lean, agile, de-structured, in which autonomy and proactivity are fundamental and in which the “80/20 rule” is basic.

The role, except for periods of smart working granted by the ICU Management on certain occasions, requires full-time presence on site.

Characteristics that may constitute a preferential qualification

  • Work experience of more than 3 years and less than 10 years;
  • Experience in presenting projects to private funding bodies and on AICS and European calls for proposals;
  • Experience in managing and reporting international cooperation projects;
  • Field work experience with humanitarian and/or cooperation organizations in developing countries and/or work experience gained in the NGO sector in Italy;
  • Good knowledge of M&E tools;
  • Availability to carry out short missions, if necessary;
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills, even in institutional contexts;
  • Initiative, flexibility and high problem solving skills;
  • Ability to plan one’s time and activities in compliance with priorities, deadlines and objectives;
  • Ability to work independently and in a team;
  • Strong motivation and interest in developing projects in the sectors of Agriculture, Sustainable Energy, Water, Waste, Rural and Business Development, Education, Health and Protection;
  • Specialization courses, even in topics not related to international cooperation.

How to apply:

Use the “Apply for the position” button and attach the following documents only if you meet the essential requirements:

1) Updated CV in Italian or English in PDF (rename file Project Development Officer_Surname_CV)

2) Motivational letter (in Italian, English or French) in PDF, where at least the following 5 topics are covered: A) any previous knowledge of the ICU or its collaborators, B) how your personal and professional experience can be useful and valued for this position (indicate success rate in project writing if available) C) expected gross annual salary; D) date of first availability, E) Reference contacts (rename file Project Development Officer_Surname_MotivationalLetter)

It is anticipated that only pre-selected candidates will be contacted.


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Where: BPER – Banca Popolare dell’Emilia Romagna
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* Donations made in favor of ICU are tax deductible