PROAGRO present at SIAMAP, Salon International de l’Agriculture du Machinisme Agricole et de la Pechê, 2021 edition

Tunis, 26th – 31St October, 2021.

From 26th to 31St October, the fifteenth edition of the Salon International de l’Agriculture du Machinisme Agricole et de la Pechê, SIAMAP, was held at Parc des expositions du Kram in Tunis, Tunisia. The SIAMAP is a unique occasion to show and expose all innovative technological developments involving the agro-industry in Tunisia and all over the world: agricultural machinery and equipment, fisheries, livestock, gardening, etc.

The 2021 edition, organized by UTAP, Union Tunisienne de l’Agriculture et de la Pechê, was dedicated to the “agriculture is our immunity”.

The project “ProAgro: Support to the development of sustainable agri-food micro-enterprises and creation of employment opportunities in disadvantaged areas of Tunisia”, implemented by ICU and co-funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation and Principality of Monaco, decided to participate to the exhibition with its own stand. 5 representatives, one for each area of intervention: dairy industry, vegetable crops, dates, aromatic and medicinal plants, and olive trees, showed their products and presented their sustainable agri-food micro-enterprises to the salon’s visitors.

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