Some of the girls and boys involved in the project
1) The project intends to be a contribution to the peace process in the Middle East. On the basis of the recognized importance that the civil society has in establishing a new phase based on equality and reciprocity between Arabs and Israelis, this “pilot project” intends to support and strengthen linkages between the communities of Aqaba and Eilat through a series of exchange programs between school students in both cities.
- 60 day long dialogues and accompanying activities over the course of three years. During each project year the following meetings will be held:
- web-developing meetings for 50 students;
- art meetings for 50 students;
- theatrical meetings for 50 students;
- summer camp;
- 1 conference for each city at the end of the activities
- Roma tour of the students involved and finale performance.
- trip to Rome with the Arab and Israelis students,
- video on the project realized;
- final theatre performance realized by the students involved;