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 - 2017


Youth from Kigwena village elevating power poles This project contributes to the improvement of the Burundian population life conditions through the access to energetic services in four remote rural areas. ICU, in partnership with the Burundian Agency for Rural Electrification (ABER) will reach this goal through more renewable (hydroelectric and solar PV) energy production, more...

Electrification of the rural areas of Burundi through the activation of two micro and two mini hydropower plants, photovoltaic reinforcement, extension of rural grid and connection to the national grid.


Youth from Kigwena village elevating power poles

This project contributes to the improvement of the Burundian population life conditions through the access to energetic services in four remote rural areas.

ICU, in partnership with the Burundian Agency for Rural Electrification (ABER) will reach this goal through more renewable (hydroelectric and solar PV) energy production, more reliable energy distribution and the reinforcement of local capacities.

The intervention provides households, sanitary centers, schools and economic activities of the villages of Nyabikere, Kigwena, Ryarusera and Butezi  with more and better energy supply.

The action promoted by ICU and ABER will contribute to bridging the energy gap of the country: the electric energy is accessible only to 10% of the population and the majority of the hydroelectric potential remains underexploited. ICU and ABER is reactivating at their full nominal capacity four mini hydroelectric plants. These plants will produce a total nominal power of 426.2 kW, plus a reinforcement of 40 kWp from a solar PV plant.

In Nyabikere, Region of Karuzi,  a 140kW hydropower plant is rehabilitated a 40kWp photovoltaic system is added to the plant creating an innovative hybrid solar-hydro system that will produce 713.210 kWh/y.

In Kigwena, Region of Bururi, a 62,2kW hydropower plant is rehabilitated and will produce 304.045 kWh/y. The plant is connected to the national grid and the local grid is extended.

In Ryarusera, Region of Muramvya, a 24kW hydropower is rehabilitated and will produce 130.305 kWh/y.

In Butezi, Province of Ruyigi  200kW hydropower plant is rehabilitated and will produce 851.545 kWh/y.

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