 - 2023


The project is implemented by ICU in two cities: Alcamo in Sicilia- Italy and Nabeul, Tunisia. Together with two partners the municipality of Alcamo (VdA) and la Société de Gestion de la Technopole de Borj Cedria (SGTBC). EVE project proposes innovative irrigation solutions with unconventional water to cope with irrigation...

EVE project (Efficiency and Valorisation of irrigation watEr through pilot actions in Sicily and Tunisia) is part of the cross-border cooperation EU programme “Italie-Tunisie 2014-2020” under the European Neighbourhood Instrument.


The project is implemented by ICU in two cities: Alcamo in Sicilia- Italy and Nabeul, Tunisia. Together with two partners the municipality of Alcamo (VdA) and la Société de Gestion de la Technopole de Borj Cedria (SGTBC).

EVE project proposes innovative irrigation solutions with unconventional water to cope with irrigation water scarcity in the cities of Alcamo and Nabeul. Water irrigation shortage results in a impairment loss and disappearance of crops with a drop in farmers’ incomes.

The main expected outcomes of the project are:

  • Irrigation of 20 agricultural parcels (11.5 ha) with nano/ultrafiltration systems.
  • Irrigation of 15 ha based on Information and communications technologies. The ICT system is composed by an agrometeorological station linked to tensiometric probes.
  • Technical support provided for 180 farmers.

EVE total budget is 1 057 535,2 Euro and it is financed up to 90% by the European Union.

For more information see the official Project Website and Facebook profile.

mappa progetto EVE (1)
Project Area : Nabeul and Alcamo

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