Participants to an event organized
To contribute to teaching tolerance to young Italian people by presenting Lebanon as an example of peaceful coexistence, despite the many years of war, in order to encourage reflection on the current conflicts raging in the Middle East but also on the opportunities for reconciliation in the area.
– Adaptation of the didactic materials on Lebanon produced by ICU;
– preparation of new didactic materials: Photographic exhibition, video documentary, brochures and posters;
– organisation of 16 Information days in the high schools in Milan, Turin, Venice, Genoa, Naples, Bari, Palermo
– organisation of 4 “Italy-Lebanon friendship Days” realised in Palermo, Verona, Padua and Rome.
– 19 Information days in the high schools in Milan, Turin, Venice, Genoa, Naples, Bari, Palermo with the participation of 4.750 students;
– 4 “Italy-Lebanon friendship Days” organises in Palermo, Verona, Padova and Rome with the participation of 2.700 people.
– 1 publication “LIBANO” distributed in 100 copies;
– 1 video documentary “LIBANO” distributed in 100 copies;
– Informative materials for the realisation of the activities (brochures, invitations, poster).