Tunisia, Libano, Giordania, Italia, Spagna
 - 2022


PROSIM Project (Promoting Sustainable Irrigation Management and non-conventional water use in the Mediterranean) is financed under the transborder cooperation program ENI CBC Med (European Neighbourhood Instrument – Cross Border Cooperation – Mediterranean, www.enicbcmed.eu). The project faces relevant water management issues in the Mediterranean area. In particular, in Mediterranean countries, water...

PROSIM – Promoting Sustainable Irrigation Management and non-conventional water use in the Mediterranean

Crops in Tunisia
Crops in Tunisia

PROSIM Project (Promoting Sustainable Irrigation Management and non-conventional water use in the Mediterranean) is financed under the transborder cooperation program ENI CBC Med (European Neighbourhood Instrument – Cross Border Cooperation – Mediterranean, www.enicbcmed.eu).

The project faces relevant water management issues in the Mediterranean area. In particular, in Mediterranean countries, water use for irrigation accounts for more than 70% of water consumption and an important hydric stress is registered due to increasing population and climate change. Water losses due to non-efficient irrigation systems, limited reliance on non-conventional water (NCW), scarce capacities of institutions to enforce effective water management plans and lack of awareness of modern solutions at farm level, are the most common issues to deal with. PROSIM will face these challenges focusing on both water demand and supply for irrigation. The project will bring innovative solutions combining water use efficiency and NCW and build local capacities to adopt/upscale them. Cross-border capacity building and roadmaps and plans for improved water management based on project results will be carried out while enhancing public-private cooperation will be fostered together with investments for the adoption/upscale of the proposed solutions.

Farmers in Tunisia, involved in the previous ACCBAT project
Farmers in Tunisia, involved in the previous ACCBAT project

The Managing Authority of the program is the Region of Sardinia, while the project leader and beneficiary is ICU (Institute for University Cooperation). Through a multi-disciplinary and multi-stakeholder approach, PROSIM is composed by a consortium of organizations from Mediterranean countries, in particular the Ministry of Agriculture of Lebanon , the Ministry of Agriculture of Tunisia, the Jordan National Agriculture Research Center, the Spanish National Research Council and the Regional Department of Agriculture, the Regional Rural Development and Mediterranean Fisheries of the Sicilian Region. AEnRI from Morocco and INRA from Egypt are participating as well as project partners.

The total budget of the project is 3.333.331,62 Euro and it is financed, for an amount of 2.999.998,46 Euro (90%), by the European Union.


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