 - 2018


The project aims to improve the opportunities of access of the most vulnerable groups among refugee population and host communities to quality school services through the rehabilitation and re-equipment of the schools of Shwayya, Zebdine, Shiyah  (Lebanon), Karak, Ma’an and Madaba (Jordan), and through the reduction of barriers to access...

Right to school: promotion of the right to education through the improvement of educational spaces and educational activities for children

Chiyah School – Lebanon

The project aims to improve the opportunities of access of the most vulnerable groups among refugee population and host communities to quality school services through the rehabilitation and re-equipment of the schools of Shwayya, Zebdine, Shiyah  (Lebanon), Karak, Ma’an and Madaba (Jordan), and through the reduction of barriers to access to formal education.

Several activities are implemented like training for teachers and volunteers, workshops and awareness campaigns on disability, English language courses and psico-social support when needed.

All these actions bring to an improvement of the quality of the infrastructures, to an increased demand for education and to an increase of  the psychosocial well-being for all the students.

The project is realized in partnership with the NGO INTERSOS.

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