ICU – Istituto per la Cooperazione Universitaria Onlus is implementing the project ‘A market driven approach for value chain improvements and the expansion of the Rwandan coffee market’ in Rwanda in partnership with Kahawatu Foundation. The EUR 2.5 million contract is co-funded by the European Union and monitored by the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning of the Republic of Rwanda (MINECOFIN) with the support of the National Agricultural Export Development Board (NAEB).

The Coffee Value Chain Development project will improve quality and quantity of coffee produced by smallholder farmers, strengthen coffee processing companies and cooperatives to build more sustainable businesses, facilitate access to finance and increase visibility on the international market. The project is working with more than 12,000 smallholder farmers and 20 coffee washing stations across 12 districts of Rwanda.

Support activities for the different types of beneficiaries are broken down in three different categories:
Support to farmers

- Extension services/ trainings.
- Coffee tree nurseries (400.000 seedlings per year).
- Access to finance through Village Saving and Loan Associations.
- Access to agricultural equipment through incentives.
- Gender & youth empowerment.
Industrial support to Coffee Washing Stations (CWS)
- Refurbishment of CWS machines and infrastructure for adequate processing and increased product quality.
- Installation of wastewater treatment plants to better protect the wellbeing of farmers and the environment.
Commercial support for coffee producers
- Facilitation of access to finance.
- Examining different routes to enter the international market based on business models and structures.
- Participation of Rwandan producers in international event on coffee.
- Obtainment of production certification (e.g. Rainforest Alliance/UTZ).