- 2010


Overview: 1) The project intends to contribute to raise the awareness of the Italian public opinion of the problems that Africa faces and the need for new and more effective strategies for development. In particular, the aim is to inform Italian university students about development issues in Nigeria, so as...

Socio-sanitary education, a way to development. The case of Nigeria


1) The project intends to contribute to raise the awareness of the Italian public opinion of the problems that Africa faces and the need for new and more effective strategies for development. In particular, the aim is to inform Italian university students about development issues in Nigeria, so as to enable them to earn an informed and independent opinion on possible solutions.


  • production of a publication;
  • production of a video reportage;
  • construction of a photographic exhibition on the theme;
  • realization of ten university seminars in Italy;
  • realization of an international conference in Italy.


  • reached 3,500 students and lecturers from the Faculty of political science and Economics;
  • in addition, about 3,000 people reached in Italy;
  • 10 seminars conducted in the Faculty of Economics and political sciences of the cities of Genova, Siena, Teramo, Rome, Naples, Catania, Cosenza (5 seminars by icu and 5 from Apurimac);
  • 1 International Conference in Rome, made by the icu with the cooperation of the Sapienza University of Rome;
  • set up an exhibition of 30 photographs during the activities on the territory;
  • 1 number of StorieIcu and 2 numbers of the Apurimac bi-monthly magazine issued and dedicated to the project (printed and disseminated in 1,000 and 30,000 copies respectively);
  • updated web sites have been viewed by about 15,000 persons during the lifetime of the project;
  • newsletters sent to 1,000 icu recipients and to 4,500 Apurimac recipients;
  • case study produced (attached to the publication).

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