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 - 2011


Objectives: 1) The goal of the project is the re-qualification of the Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine College of Xining in order to provide local people with suitable technical assistance; 2) Improve the animal production, to the advantage of food production quality and the living and working conditions in the...

Support to the Province of Qinghai in its activities of requalification of the Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine College of Xining


1) The goal of the project is the re-qualification of the Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine College of Xining in order to provide local people with suitable technical assistance;

2) Improve the animal production, to the advantage of food production quality and the living and working

conditions in the agro-business sector;

3) The technical and professional re-qualification of the training offered by the Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine College.


  • training of 30 college professors, through Italian scholarships;
  • training courses for teachers with workshops, re-qualification courses and production of educational materials on-site;
  • providing technical assistance by missions of Italian consultants;
  • improving didactics through the purchase of laboratory equipment.


  • on 05/02/2013, all the activities of the project were completed, in advance on the date scheduled for 12/31/2013;
  • realization of training courses for college professors through 30 scholarships abroad, refresher seminars on site and production of teaching materials;
  • teaching improved through equipment’s purchase for the laboratories and through technical assistance;
  • support to the livestock sector of the region through the construction of a diagnostic and animal health laboratory, and through technical assistance;
  • implementation of research skills through the construction of an excellence laboratory for applied research and technical assistance;
  • increase in the number of students admitted in Veterinary Medicine and increase in the number of graduate students (233 in 2013).

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