- 2015


Students attending a seminar WSWC – Water Scarcity and Water Cooperation in the Mediterranean Sea Basin: Universitarian and high schools courses on development education for a new water culture, starting from the International Year of Water Cooperation 2013 The context The project is part of the international dialogue relaunched by...

WSWC – Water Scarcity and Water Cooperation in the Mediterranean Sea Basin


Students attending a seminar

WSWC – Water Scarcity and Water Cooperation in the Mediterranean Sea Basin: Universitarian and high schools courses on development education for a new water culture, starting from the International Year of Water Cooperation 2013

The context

The project is part of the international dialogue relaunched by the United Nations, whose General Assembly declared 2013 as the “International Year of the cooperation in the water sector”. It also aims to contribute to the fulfillment of the commitments for the desired environmental sustainability in the Millennium Goals.

The partners

ICU, as leading partner NGO, cooperate with partners of the Fondazione Monserrate Onlus. The activities will be held thanks to the contribution of other institutes, bodies and national institutions, such as: Università degli Studi di Milano, Università di Pisa, Università della Tuscia di Viterbo, CIRP – Consorzio interuniversitario Regionale Pugliese (a cui aderiscono Università degli Studi del Salento, Università di Foggia, Politecnico di Bari), Università di Napoli Federico II, Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, Università di Salerno, Università di Firenze, Università di Bologna, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Univesrità di Padova,  Autorità di Bacino del Fiume Po (AdbPo), Autorità di Bacino dei fiumi Liri – Garigliano e Volturno, INEA – Istituto Nazionale Economia Agraria, ANGA – Associazione Nazionale Giovani Agricoltori, Comune di Milano.

What is more at international level, planned activities included the involvement of the institutions participating in the activities of ACCBAT and ENSIAP projects, namely: Lebanese Ministry of Agriculture, NCARE – National Center for Agricultural Research and Extension of Jordan (body pertaining to the Ministry of Agriculture Jordan), the Tunisian Ministry of Agriculture.

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