On Wednesday, September 30, 2024, the ICU organized a capacity-building workshop for financial institutions in partnership with Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC) and the Banking and Financial Council (CBF). This action is part of the Nabeul Ville Verte (NVV) project, co-financed by the European Union in Tunisia, and in partnership with the Municipality of Nabeul and the Higher Institute of Technological Studies of Nabeul (ISETN).

“Climate finance: challenges and opportunities” was the theme of this workshop, attended by several Tunisian banks, both local authorities (from Nabeul and Hammamet) and representatives of their headquarters. This event allowed participants to learn about the role of financial institutions in financing climate action and to deepen their knowledge on different topics related to the financing of climate change mitigation and adaptation activities.

Presentations and discussions focused on Tunisia’s climate policy, the commitment of the Nabeul governorate and the importance of the role of the banking and financial sector in achieving national objectives. Representatives of the CDC, the CBF and two banks spoke to shed light on:
The role of the CDC and its strategy as the financial arm of the State serving national priority objectives, including in particular the energy and ecological transition and the activities carried out to catalyse related investments.
The CDC’s active stance in attracting partnerships with other financial actors in order to complete financial schemes capable of implementing green projects that contribute to climate resilience and sustainable development.
The eligibility criteria for green projects adopted by the CDC and the work carried out to assess the maturity of the green investment market and explore the opportunity to issue green bonds.
The role of the CBF as a key player in the climate transition and the activities carried out to integrate climate risks into financial institutions’ portfolios.
Public grants available to promote green projects.
The workshop was a fruitful opportunity to engage in a constructive and pragmatic dialogue with financial stakeholders in Nabeul governorate to promote the importance of supporting green projects in the region.

This first workshop will be followed by other meetings to explore avenues conducive to building collaboration between different stakeholders for the development of sustainable projects in Nabeul.