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Purchase of equipment for training centers. Tender/BL2.4.2/ AICS-ICU 158 TESSA/012590/05/8

Contract title: Purchase of equipment for training centers.
Publication reference: Tender/BL2.4.2/ AICS-ICU 158 TESSA/012590/05/8
 Lot 1: Supply and Installation of Electronics Equipment for the training center to indicated
 Lot 2: Supply of metal sheet processing machinery; clean cutting, Bending, Shearing and
 Lot 3: Supply of Van 14+1-Seater.
 Lot 4: Supply of Hand Tools, Electrical Tools, Safety Tools and delivery
 Lot 5: Job Portal and Matchmaking Website.
 Lot 6: Supply, Installation and Delivery of F&B Equipment to IMS training center

ICU – Institute for University Cooperation Onlus Hekmeh Bld.-5th floor-facing Sagesse
Brasilia School-Baabda Street-Baabda – Lebanon, intends to award a supply contract for
Purchase of equipment for training centers in Lebanon.

Contract notice
The tender dossier is available up to your request to Massimiliano.valline@icu.it
The deadline for submission of tenders is 24 June 2024 at 13.00 Lebanese time.

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Bonifico bancario
IBAN: IT74 M0503403252 000000007392
Presso: Banco BPM – Roma ag. 52, Viale dei Parioli 39 e 37/B, 00197 Roma RM DONA GRATUITAMENTE IL TUO 5X1000 ALL’ICU. CODICE FISCALE 80046590586

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* Le donazioni effettuate in favore dell’ICU sono fiscalmente deducibili